What Am I Working On?

By Douglas Rushkoff. Published in The Feature on 6 November 2003

1\. A new book on fun - doing things, particularly in one’s profession or organization, for meaning rather than profit. Getting beyond survival as a motivation, if you’re no longer truly fighting for survival - and this is made so hard in our culture. 2\. A new Frontline documentary, tentatively entitled Consumer Democracy. We start shooting today. It’s about advertising, marketing, and public relations, and how they have come to shape American democracy. 3\. PTV3 - I’m playing keyboard in Genesis P-Orridge’s newest incarnation of Psychic TV. Our first gig is in NYC on December 3. I’ll find out where this weekend. 4\. Teaching at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program. 5\. Finishing my graphic novel, Club ZeroG with artist Steph Dumais. 6\. Readying a slightly revised, paperback edition of Nothing Sacred. 7\. Speaking around the world - mostly at universities, but also at some synagogues and industry conferences. 8\. Writing a columng for The Feature, a Nokia-sponsored web magazine about things wirless. I’m in a writing posse with my good friends Justin Hall, Mark Frauenfelder, and Howard Rheingold. 9\. Beginning a disseration for a PhD from Utrecht University, about whether interactivity can allow for Huizinga’s vision of a society based in play. 10\. Working on a revised edition of Playing the Future - retitled “ScreenAgers,” and with a more critical assessment than I had back in 1995 of the promise of digital media for young people.